Tel: 0722 269275, 0718 135056

News and Events

New NormalA good education is a foundation for a better future!Give your child the best at S. Francis Moto Hope Academy  Molo. Our 2021 intake is ongoing for Grade 1 to Class 6 and registration for Pre-School. Interviews will be held on 8th December 2020 8.00am.

OpeningT2Y2020 9 aAfter a long precautionary break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our students have finally started reporting in a phased manner, grade by grade. The government announced 12th October 2020 as the new date to start a partial re-opening of schools throughout the county. Two grades (8 & 4) have resumed for second term at first as we await further instructions about other grades.

Computers Sept2020 1As we continue to prepare for the coming school term, we are very excited about our refurbished computer lab and can't wait to have our learners back at the Academy!

3. Center of Excellence 2As you take all the necessary precautions to stay safe and stop the spread of Covid-19, we are here to help you keep your Primary school children engaged. Our Online Learning WhatsApp Groups are now open to pupils from other schools.
Text your child’s class to +254706302503 to join!

moe"Dear Parent, We pray you're safe and strong despite Covid-19. We miss having your child back at school but support the Government of Kenya's decision. If we can be of any help to your child, kindly let us know. Let’s keep them engaged holistically. God has a reason for everything and we'll overcome!
God bless you!"- Fr. Francis kabiru (Founder and Patron).

Scoutscamp 38Our Moto Hope Scouts : Gorilla and Twiga Patrols enjoy an amazing training camp at the center from the 6th to 8th March 2020 with their patron Teacher Boniface, Teacher Mary and their trainers.

Prefects 2Our new student council leaders are besides themselves with joy at receiving lovely new sweaters and blazers that distinguish them from the rest of the learners!

teambuilding 8Our Mentorship Days are incomplete without the fun filled team building activities at the Center's Field Grounds.

mentt1talk 22THEME: THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING! Our learners had an amazing Mentorship Day on 29th February 2020 at the Center.

Feb 1All learning and out of class activities have officially kicked off at the Academy after the one week Mid Term Break and we wish all our learners and staff a very successful remaining half of the first school term 2020!

Term1midterm 28We officially broke for the First Term Mid-Term break on the 14th of February 2020 after the release of the Mid-Term Exams Results. We wish our learners and staff a great time with their families! St. Francis Moto Hope Academy; We Reach out, We Empower!

Tel: 0722 269275, 0718 135056 Email: